Friday, August 9, 2013


We realized we had not posted some of the pictures we wanted. So here goes.

We were given an extra day off so we decided to load up the bikes and head out to Lone Star Geyser.  This is a geyser that only erupts every 3 hours.  A 5 mile R/T ride but what a reward at the end.
Beautiful site and only about 20 people watching

Loaded up the bikes and drove over to Old Faithful Area and rode our bikes down to Morning Glory pool.  We didn't ride much but we gone in another 2 miles.  Exercise is exercise.
Morning Glory Pool

Last Friday we had a store cookout, hotdogs and smore's for the kids.  Tonight is another one for the other shift, however tonight is burgers grilled on an open fire, don't know how this will work out.  Pictures are from last Friday.
Trying to burn the dogs

Great time had by all.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


These first pictures are of 4th of July.  We had a great lunch of ribeye's, corn on the cob and lots of other good stuff.

Lunch in the Employee Dining Room

Our float for the parade, two American kids and the rest from other countries.

Next two pictures are from an evening horseback ride with a steak dinner near the end of the ride.  Nine  of us joined in this ride.
Three of the nine mounted and ready to go.  Hurry up slow pokes

Carl was intrigued with something, don't know what.

We are hiking to the top of Mount Washburn, it has an elevation change of around 1500 feet.  The hike if over 6 miles round trip,  it was 2 hours and 45 min. up and only 1 hour 45 mins to get down.  Check out the views:

The trek up with Scott and Valerie, Dave in the background

Big Horn sheep that were on the trail.

Nothing like being up close and personal with the wildlife.
Our Goal

We made it

What an accomplishment
I needed a big city fix, so today we got up early and drove to Bozeman, MT.  This was the best morning for observing wildlife.  We saw a bull elk and then bison in Hayden Valley.  We hadn't seen any bison in the valley for a while.  Then on the other side of the park we got an awesome view of three bull elks right beside the road.  After taking pictures of them we went a little further down the road and again everyone was stopped.  It turned out that 4 wolf's could be seen.  Check out the pictures.

This white one was lagging way behind the other three.

Don't know if you can see them but there are 3 wolfs in this shot. If you click on the picture it will enlarge.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Dave and I went the best horseback trail ride today.  We crossed over the Shoshone River and went high into the mountains, what an awesome view.  We did see some bear scat on the trail as well has three deer.  Check out the pictures.

Hey look at me

Dave not having a care in the world.

Our wrangler thought the rock behind me looked like an elephant, I thought it looked like a dinosaur head

Shoshone River

These were narrow trails that the horse's didn't have any problems with,  even thought they brushed us up against trees.

Dave thought this was a good shot of me crossing a creek

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I was able to get Internet this morning from the motor home.  Here are additional pictures

Pine Martin that was near the RV's

This is the part of the store that I work in.

Thought you might want to see an elf scratching itself.

Taking a coffee break during our meeting.

The only bear we have seen so far this trip

View from the top of Elephant Back Trail.  It was an over 800 foot climb
Still atop Elephant Back Trail, enjoying the view

Fox in the meadow near the RV Park

Trying to show how cold it was cooking dinner.  It was in the 40's
Big Horn Sheep Jam,  they wanted to cross Sylvan Pass, mountain on one side and big drop off on the other.

Prong Horn in Lamar Valley on Friday

Momma and her babies had just crossed the road

Large male Prong Horn
Osprey and family, momma and babies in nest

Just a beautiful place to visit

Bison crossing the Lamar River