Tuesday, July 5, 2011

RIBBON LAKE TRAIL (classified as easy, ha ha ha)

Well, the day started out a little slow, Dave got up at 8:15 and didn’t wake me until 9:00, 4th of July festivities must have taken its toll on us.  It must have been too many hot dogs and ice cream.  We finally got ourselves going and decided to go on a 4 mile hike, in the end it was about 4.5 miles through forest and up and down numerous inclines with a total elevation change of 500 feet.  At times we were hiking at an altitude over 8000 feet.  Parts of the trail appeared to be an obstacle course, which I tried to capture in the pictures below.  The name of trail was Ribbon Lake trail; which took up past Lilly Pond Lake and on to Ribbon Lake.  We also hiked up to Silver Cord Cascade, which we could hear it but were unable to capture a picture because we could barely see it. 

On our way home we ran into a bison jam and it turned out to be 3 bison swimming across the Yellowstone River, what a site.

Lilly Pond Lake

Ribbon Lake

Obstacle Course Trail
More log obstacles

Dave contemplating the trail

Bison crossing the Yellowstone River

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today is the 4th of July and we were lucky enough to have the day off.  At noon we start with a steak and chicken BBQ provided by DNC.  All the normal side fares, potato salad, bake beans and of course ice cream.  The ice cream up here is some of the best we have ever eaten.  There is a local company here that has been making ice cream since 1917; much like Blue Bell, it’s excellent, especially moose tracks.

During the afternoon, we drove to Hayden Valley and the Upper and Lower Falls.  We saw our first bull elk and got some great shots.  The sun was in our favor when we took pictures of the Lower Falls, the sun brought out all the right colors.  We also went on a short hike in the area but it was very crowed with tourist.

At 6:30 pm the parade starts, it winds all through the entire Lake area.  The route starts at the clinic, then the employee RV park, down to the Lake Lodge and all there cabins, on to the Lake General Store and then past the historic Lake Hotel (the yellow one) and the back to the clinic.  Then the clinic hosts another cookout of hotdogs and more ice cream for the evening.  What a full day of eating.
Lunch Guest
Lunch crowd, see Dave in the back

4th of July Tee Shirts at Lake
Lower Falls, running hard

Canyon Trail Ride through trees and across canyon

First Bull Elk sighting
Lake 4th of July Parade (maintenance dept.)

Lake General Float (our store)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


The last few weeks have been very busy; we have worked one early shift and one late shift.  Traffic has picked up, Dave spends one day a week working in the fountain on the register and scooping ice cream, he thinks this is a promotion.  The weather has been great the last nine days except for one freak windstorm that blew up our satellite dish.  We are currently in Bozeman with a new portable automatic dish.  Canyon and Bridge Bay areas lost power for almost a day due to fallen trees. 

The last two days we have been in Bozeman, MT on a mini vacation from our vacation.  We stayed in a hotel, used the hot tub and pool and went to the movies.  Now we have to pick up supplies and head back to reality, haha. We are having a great time and below are some pictures of our experiences over the past two weeks.
Tower Falls        

Pronghorn Mama and baby
Old Faithful spouting

Us in front of Morning Glory Pool

Morning Glory Pool
Bison and his reflection

Yellowstone Grand Canyon

Lower Falls