Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The last two days couldn’t have been more different.  The first was 70 degrees and sunny, the second rainy and mid 40’s.  We started our first day with a hike that was about 3 miles.  It followed Lake Jackson and then went into the hills.  The path we took, took us by Heron Pond and on the return we went by Swan Lake.  Of course we had our bear spray, but no bears sited.  It was one of the nicest hikes we had been on.  We took a lot of pictures but have only included a few.  The first is me on the trail; the second is a view of Jackson Lake from the trail.  They have release about 30% of the lake in anticipation of melting snow.  They think will be back to capacity in about 2 weeks.  The third one is of wildlife on the trail…..
Me on the trail    
Lake view from the trail
Name this furry creature
After lunch we decided to drive to the other junction areas.  We drove the interior park road to Signal Mountain.  We drove to the summit (the hike was straight up 3 miles).  We saw beautiful 360-degree vistas and have included one picture.  
Summit at Signal Mountain

 We then proceed to the Jenny Lake area, which has a lodge and marina.  We walked the area and took some pictures.  Sorry no picture included here because it take too long to upload.   We then drove to the Moose Junction, which is the south entrance to the park.  On the drive to Jackson we could tell the weather was changing.  As you all know I still need to have my nails done even though I am working in the wilderness.  We drove all over Jackson looking for a nail place and finally had to call my sister Liz and have her Google it.  Once that was completed we went by the grocery store to pick up something for dinner in anticipation of rain at the campground.  We had fried chicken and Mac and cheese.  On the 40 mile drive back to campsite the temperature dropped 10-degrees.  Just as we pulled in it started to rain.  We guessed right.  At 9:00 PM we attended a ranger program and am now working towards my junior ranger badge (anyone can get one).

Today was totally rainy and cold.  We drove to Jackson to see the tourist trap shopping.  I found a $2500 suede coat on sale for $1650, but Dave wouldn’t buy it for me, not that I needed it anyway.  The stuff is starting to all look the same, are we in the Bahamas’?  We had lunch at a nice Mexican Restaurant named the Flying Pig; we had blackened steak taco’s, the special of the day.  Of course we had to have our picture taken under one of the antler arches at the square. 

On the way home we saw buffalo (American Bison), see the picture below.

Tomorrow we head to Yellowstone, which is only 57 miles.  We talked to our employer today and we will be in orientation all day Thursday.  We are both excited that our adventure has started in earnest and we may not be able to blog as often.  Our plan is to post once a week but we will have to see.

Bye for now