Sunday, June 23, 2013


I was able to get Internet this morning from the motor home.  Here are additional pictures

Pine Martin that was near the RV's

This is the part of the store that I work in.

Thought you might want to see an elf scratching itself.

Taking a coffee break during our meeting.

The only bear we have seen so far this trip

View from the top of Elephant Back Trail.  It was an over 800 foot climb
Still atop Elephant Back Trail, enjoying the view

Fox in the meadow near the RV Park

Trying to show how cold it was cooking dinner.  It was in the 40's
Big Horn Sheep Jam,  they wanted to cross Sylvan Pass, mountain on one side and big drop off on the other.

Prong Horn in Lamar Valley on Friday

Momma and her babies had just crossed the road

Large male Prong Horn
Osprey and family, momma and babies in nest

Just a beautiful place to visit

Bison crossing the Lamar River

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